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Sleep traveling April 15, 2006

Posted by butterfly in Uncategorized.

So I didn't post this earlier, I guess it just goes with the confusion. 

This is from last night while I was on my way home.
I am so confused.
First, it is four o'clock in the morning-wow, when did that happen? Secondly, I wish I were back on the bus, my body is shivering. 

I am in Bakersfield now, which is part of the confusion. I slept the entire way here with no interruptions. The bus driver dropped us off at the door of the station, which was nice, certainly it is a bit warmer in here, but so confusing for me when I just woke up (there is a parking lot for the bus not too far off from the Union Station bus lot I left from). I asked, after waking and realizing people were getting off, my seat-mate if she was getting off. She said yes, and after a while she asked why I wouldn't get off too. The rather confused me replied, "I am so confused."

Watching the three guys was such a picture. Ryan, even waving until the last turn-not even knowing if I was looking. Scott, smiling like I was going to take a picture, at a window I wasn't even at. Curtis, smiling his charming smile. *sigh*, great times.

I just confirmed my suspicions and found out that I have an hour until the train is scheduled to leave. I wish the bus were back. I choose a spot at the end of the station to sit, but that was right by the door and now I am cold every time someone decides to come in or out. There are two adolescents pushing the world outside, getting themselves I am sure very wet, that they may have control over the enormous globe's spherical movement. They came in now. Brrrrrrrrrrr. It is four eight teen and I am ready to go back to sleep, though I fear I will be left for lack of consciousness.  


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